Wednesdays @ 5:30pm
Chandra (Moon) Flow invites you to connect with and cultivate the moon's lunar energy . The movements are no less intense than in Surya (Sun) Flow, but the intention, pace and quality of movements are quite different. Bridget invites you to draw your awareness inward, inviting a sense of receptivity into your practice, and paying special attention to the quality of each movement. Instead of moving quickly - jumping into and out of poses as you would in Sun Salutations - we will move slowly, as though you were moving through water. Bridget invites you to add spontaneous movement, called sahaja, within the forms of poses. Sahaja is movement that arrives when we are receptive to our innate inner wisdom. This is a great practice for those who are under stress, and are looking for something to balance their fiery energy, calm the mind and draw their awareness inward.